Abnormal lassitude. Nervous and tired feeling. "Half dead, half alive feeling" all over. Of use in chorea and reflex spasms (worms). Said to be a specific against effects of poison ivy.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Head ailments: Heavy, dull, confused. Headache with least exertion.
Irritable, sensitive to noise. Mental fatigue, nausea and vertigo, worse in a closed room.Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Ears ailments: Roaring and ringing; voice sounds strange; ears seem to close up suddenly.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Abdomen ailments: Pain in bowels; relieved by stool. Desire for stool immediately after eating. Dysentery.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Female ailments: Dysmenorrhoea, with bearing-down pains, tenderness, drawing in groins. Menses suppressed; later, profuse.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Respiratory ailments: Hurried, labored, stertorous respiration. Frothy mucus obstructs the air-passages.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Relationship ailments: Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Compare ailments: Cimicif; Cina; Absinth. Nux follows well.
Tanacetum Vulgare treatment for Dose ailments: Tincture, to third potency.