Habitual sick headaches. Profuse, haemorrhages, pulmonary and from different organs. Vomiting of blood. Ulceration of stomach. Atonic and foul ulcers. Summer complaint.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Head ailments: Giddiness, with diplopia; better, closing eyes. Ptosis and dilated pupils. Sick headache.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Mouth ailments: Dry; tip of tongue burning. Pharyngitis.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Stomach ailments: Catarrhal gastritis with profuse secretion, tendency to ulceration and passive haemorrhage. Lessens the vomiting in gastric ulcer.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Stool ailments: Constant desire to go to stool, with inability to pass anything for some time. Chronic diarrhoea, with offensive mucus. Constipation.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Female ailments: Menses too profuse. Post-partum haemorrhage. Sore nipples (Eup arom).
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Relationship ailments: Geranium Maculatum treatment for Compare ailments: Geranin 1x. Constant hawking and spitting in elderly people. Erodium-Hemlock-Stork's bill--(a popular haemostatic in Russia, and especially used for metrorrhagia and menorrhagia); Hydrastinin; Cinch; Sabin.
Geranium Maculatum treatment for Dose ailments: Tincture, half-dram doses in gastric ulcer. Tincture, to third attenuation, as a general rule. Locally, in ulcers, it will destroy the pyogenic membrane.